Planning, Environment and Land Acquisition
The members of North Quarter Lane Chambers have extensive experience advising on and representing clients in relation to planning and environment and resumption disputes. A number of our members are ranked as leading barristers in Doyle’s Guide for planning and environment.
Our members regularly appear in the Land Court, Land Appeal Court and the Planning and Environment Court.

Our members advise State and local governments (often on a direct brief basis), mining and energy companies, developers and other private clients in relation to proposed infrastructure and development projects. Their experience extends to assisting with legislative reform, heritage issues, compliance with and interpretation of planning instruments and development approvals and environmental approvals. They regularly appear in planning appeals and declaratory proceedings in the Planning and Environment Court.
Our members also regularly appear in the Planning and Environment Court and the Magistrates Court in relation to criminal and quasi-criminal prosecutions of development, environmental and building offences.
Our members have particular expertise in advising on, and appearing in, claims for compensation for compulsory acquisitions and the granting of mining leases in the Land Court and the Land Appeal Court.
The members of North Quarter Lane Chambers have extensive experience in a broad range of real property areas, including conveyancing, commercial leasing, retail shop leasing, body corporates, land title, property fraud, easements and the valuation of property.