Year of Call: 2009
Year of Silk: 2022
Ed Goodwin KC has a busy commercial practice, principally acting for banks, insolvency practitioners, insurers and large companies, including in the resource sector, in the Supreme Court and the Federal Court. He has also appeared in arbitrations (ICC and ad hoc) in Brisbane and Sydney about gas pipelines and related facilities, coal mining and offtake agreements.
At the appellate level, he has appeared in the High Court (Mallonland Pty Ltd & Anor v Advanta Seeds Pty Ltd [2024] HCA 25), the Court of Appeal (eg Adeva Home Solutions Pty Ltd v Queensland Motorways Management Pty Ltd (2021) 9 QR 141 and the Full Court of the Federal Court (eg Kemppi v Adani Mining Pty Ltd (No 2) (2019) 271 FCR 423).
He has also appeared in a commercial context before the Crime and Corruption Commission.
In terms of revenue law, he has litigated about coal royalties paid under a mistake (Glencore Coal Queensland Pty Limited v State of Queensland (2022) 12 QR 295), payroll tax (Compass Group Education Hospitality Services Pty Ltd v Commissioner of State Revenue (2021) 8 QR 1; [2021] QCA 98) and betting tax.
He has considerable experience acting for corporate defendants in representative proceedings (ie class actions), including in the transport, tourism and agriculture sectors. He appeared in the Mallonland representative proceeding at first instance (Mallonland Pty Ltd v Advanta Seeds Pty Ltd (2021) 7 QR 234), in the Court of Appeal (Mallonland Pty Ltd v Advanta Seeds Pty Ltd (2023) 13 QR 492) and in the High Court.
He regularly appears in complicated multiparty litigation where the management of contributions by co-defendants and third parties is of particular significance to settlement.
He also appears for witnesses being interviewed by regulators. He has broad experience in civil procedure and applications (eg summary judgment, injunctions, freezing orders, search orders, the appointment of insolvency practitioners and judicial advice).
Ed has acted in proceedings and insolvencies relating to financial products ranging from mortgages, guarantees and charges, to bonds, options, swaptions, credit linked notes, collateralised debt obligations and credit default swaps.
Prior to being called to the Bar, Ed was a managing associate at Linklaters in London and a senior associate at Minter Ellison in Brisbane. He was the associate to Justice BW Ambrose of the Supreme Court of Queensland in 1998 and 1999.
Liability limited by a scheme approved under professional standards legislation.
Ed has been recognised by Doyle’s Guide in the following practice areas:
- Construction & Infrastructure – Senior Counsel Recommended (Queensland) 2025
- Commercial Litigation & Dispute Resolution – Senior Counsel Recommended (Queensland) 2024
- Insolvency & Restructuring – Senior Counsel Leading (Queensland) 2024